
Aygenteks, which is a family company is founded by Metin Cenap Aygen in 1973. The main target of the company was advisory and counselling.
Between 1988 and 1989 company management had been changed and second generation started to charge the company as main activity to be agency of some notable laboratory test instrument manufacturer for Turkish textile market.
After 2006, with saved great experience and knowledge of physical testing, Aygenteks decided to add and serve for other sectors along with textile field. Afterwards, company add its agency activities other testing instrument manufacturer who create and supply solutions for such sectors; Packaging, Food Packaging, Medical Packaging, Print, Paper, Carton, Food Texture, Plastic, Rubber, Leather, etc.
Producing Correctly at First;
Catching the right production and performance efficiently the first time is possible with the quality control of the product at the earliest and all the technical stages of the production.
Money Saving
Quality control in production, which is the first step in the product supply chain, is the first step in saving money with the function of the test laboratory that must be in the system. The second step is the end of production. The quality assurance system applied here plays an important role in relation to the customer. It is important to note that the delivered products meet the performance standards required by the customer.